Approximately six out of ten French people plan to go on holiday each summer, especially along the beaches of the Hexagon. Some statistics we offer here may surprise you...
French citizens and summer holidays
Like every year, not all French people go on vacation during the summer. As by 2015, 60% of them report having planned to go on vacation between June 15 and September 15, a rate slightly higher than that of 2014 (56%). This intention is rather intense as four in ten of them (38%) are all but certain to leave. Conversely, four out of ten respondents said they didn’t consider going on vacation this year.
Holidays and financial constraints
Financial constraints that may influence the choice of going on holiday can be found in these detailed results. The high-income professionals (managers and professionals) are much more likely to go on holiday (86%) than workers (52%). The traditional gaps in age and geographical location still prove decisive, unsurprisingly the number of older persons that go on holiday is significantly lower (52% of those whose age is 65 years or more) as that of those living in the provinces (57% against 74% Parisians).
The average budget spent by French tourists reaches up to 775 €, that to say a budget slightly high compared to last year (€ 763). However, this average hides significant disparities as the budget dedicated to holidays increases with age (€ 967 for those who are 65 years of age or more against € 606 for 18-24 year-old young citizens). Similarly, Parisians and people with high incomes such as executives are expected to spend more than the average amount of money (respectively € 914 and € 1,043).
Holiday destinations for the french
Regarding the holiday destination, French people continue keep opting for the Hexagon (74%), and especially its beaches (50%). Note that the proportion of people considering going abroad increased slightly compared to last year (32%, +5), most of them claiming to have planned visits to the rest of Europe (24%). If virtually all social categories and age groups prefer spending their holidays in France, only the youngest people (18-24 years) show a stronger temptation for a stay abroad (52%).